CEO Joshua Putterman speaks on public-private partnership at Colorado Renewable Energy Society

Why Public Science & Private Enterprise Go Hand In Glove
CEO Joshua Putterman represented the voice of private industry in this well-received panel discussion on public-private partnerships sponsored by the Colorado Renewable Energy Society. 

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About the Panel:
Public research institutions are today's drivers - and risk takers! - of technological innovation on which our advanced industries depend – our nation’s future is tied to retaining the lead at the forefront of new technology. Our panel highlights the importance of these public-private partnerships at the core of institutions like the National Renewable Energy Laboratory or ARPA-e.  To quote Denis Hayes, SERI’s 2nd director: "Defunding science is the intellectual equivalent of eating our seed corn.”  

Panel: Bob Noun, NREL (ret.) Sturm College of Law, Assistant Prof.; Jill Cox-Engel, PhD, Joint Inst. f. Strategic Energy Analysis, NREL;  Kathryn Johnson, PhD, Associate Prof., Colorado School of Mines; Joshua Putterman, CEO/Co-founder, Extreme Event Risk.  Moderator: David Ellenberger, National Wildlife Federation. Co-sponsored by the Colorado Renewable Energy Society, the National Wildlife Federation, and the JUC Green Task Force.

Organized by the Jefferson County chapter of the Colorado Renewable Energy Society. Contact: CRES features several local monthly speaker series throughout the state, provides speakers, experts, workshops and weighs in on state energy policy.

CEO Joshua Putterman speaks on innovation at Colorado Business Roundtable


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Anna Ewing, Executive Director of Colorado Innovation Network, and COO of OEDIT joins us discuss the impact of Colorado's federally-funded lab community and CO-LABS' mission related to the labs and our overall R&D environment, as well as its role in our innovation community. 

Her guest will be Dan Powers, the Executive Director of CO-LABS.  Dan will also introduce us to Scott Stenberg, discussing CO-LABS leadership and Corporate Partner Perspectives; Joshua Putterman from ClimaChange Impact! on collaborating with labs; and Jim Burrus on Research & Development's impact on the future. 

Join us for Connect & Collaborate, LIVE at 4:00 on Denver's Money Talk 1690 AM   

CEO Joshua Putterman speaks on infrastructure risks at Colorado Business Roundtable


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Edgar Johansson, Colorado Business Roundtable's Space Advocate joins us for discussions with some of Colorado's leading aerospace experts. 

We'll talk Abby Benson from CU Aerospace Ventures, about the collaboration which combines aerospace vehicle innovations and science discoveries to advance solutions in climate, weather and space. 

Stan Vanderwerf of UAV/ UAS and candidate for El Paso County Commision joins us to discuss unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles and more. Then Joshua Putterman from ClimaChange Impact! will address how climate hazards impact critical infrastructure. 

Listen to Connect & Collaborate LIVE at 4:00 on  Denver's Money Talk 1690 AM.