CEO Joshua Putterman speaks on public-private partnership at Colorado Renewable Energy Society

Why Public Science & Private Enterprise Go Hand In Glove
CEO Joshua Putterman represented the voice of private industry in this well-received panel discussion on public-private partnerships sponsored by the Colorado Renewable Energy Society. 

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About the Panel:
Public research institutions are today's drivers - and risk takers! - of technological innovation on which our advanced industries depend – our nation’s future is tied to retaining the lead at the forefront of new technology. Our panel highlights the importance of these public-private partnerships at the core of institutions like the National Renewable Energy Laboratory or ARPA-e.  To quote Denis Hayes, SERI’s 2nd director: "Defunding science is the intellectual equivalent of eating our seed corn.”  

Panel: Bob Noun, NREL (ret.) Sturm College of Law, Assistant Prof.; Jill Cox-Engel, PhD, Joint Inst. f. Strategic Energy Analysis, NREL;  Kathryn Johnson, PhD, Associate Prof., Colorado School of Mines; Joshua Putterman, CEO/Co-founder, Extreme Event Risk.  Moderator: David Ellenberger, National Wildlife Federation. Co-sponsored by the Colorado Renewable Energy Society, the National Wildlife Federation, and the JUC Green Task Force.

Organized by the Jefferson County chapter of the Colorado Renewable Energy Society. Contact: CRES features several local monthly speaker series throughout the state, provides speakers, experts, workshops and weighs in on state energy policy.